Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Compare and contrast in this blog I will be comparing how different people spend money like the way I spend money and the way Mrs. Persen spends money well when I get my money it goes on clothes and shoes jewelry ect. While her money goes helping other prople and her bills and other responsibility’s as an adult. another thing that i could contrast from the way i spend money is the way that my brother spends money he spends alllll of his extra cash on girls girls girls girls and at the end of the day he wonders why he's always broke and has nothing to show for it. Somthing i could else i could contrast from the way i spend money are famous people they spend their money on clothes shoes and jewelry thats how we're alike in away but they have what i like to call BIGG BOYY CA$H therefore they also can afford houses, cars, boats, and alotof other pricey items that the average joe like me cant afford so thats a way that we're different. well that's alllll folks i told you how i spend mine and also how others spend theirs.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Questions & Answers !

This bolg is different form thie one’s that I have perviously posted this is about questions and answers in this breif tutioral I interviewed Raul and this is what he had to say about money and how to get it…

1. Q: What do you know about money
A: you need money to live and to have a roof over your head

2. Q: How do you make your money.?
A: I have a job at wendy’s

3. Q: Do you like to make money.?
A: of course with money life becomes easier

4. Q: How do you feel about money.?
A: It sometimes makes me feel like im better then others

5. Q: Do you think all money is good money.?
A: no, because money can be used to buy drugs or guns

6. Q: Where does money come from.?
A: It comes form the gioverment.
Well as you can see I had 6 questions to ask raul and he answered all of with his own words and he said how he felt about money.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stright Talk About M0NEY ! ( Book )

I recently read a book about money and not only did the book inform you about money but also how money is in the enconmy and also the history of money and where it came from. this book gave me good messages about money and it also included many ways to earn money the book also includes ways to spend it wisley budgets and other helpful hints. There's a section on this book that is titled why is money so important and it explains to you why money is so important and the way things would be if we didn't have money. here's a quote from the book "money makes the world go round (Kranz and Rendon,1992)." to me this quote is saying that without money the world would be nothing but in the beginning before money was even invented people used to trade for things therefore I don't think it would be that bad it we didn't have money I think that the world would be a much better place.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

well money some say money is the root of all evile and others say money can't buy happiness their's alot of sayings about money but in my opnion I think money is only as evile as you make it and that money can buy happiness depending on the person well money is not as good and as easy to keep as it sounds i had 100 dollars on friday and by friday night I had none so as far as money going a long way thats not true you have to know how to save it and for some people like myself money is unsaveable but i thnink that because when I have money and I see something i like i buy it because money comes and goes but the things you buy are only there once in my eyes that's my proble I think as soon as I see something I like I have to buy it and that my main reason why i can't save any money and nomatter what I do I still can't save that's one of my biggest problems i have when it comes to money is saving it. "A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How too.?

This blog is to teach you how to get MONEY there's many ways to get MONEY not just any money but the good money because “all money ain’t good money” if you know what I mean. There’s a million ways to get like getting a lineament job and getting up every day and going to work. Or if you’re not old enough to do that you can do chores around the house and or just ask your parents for a weekly allowance. Some other ways to get money is go do things for other people around you or in your neighborhood things like mowing lawns, babysitting, washing cars or even house sitting you can also call family and ask if they need anything done around their house or their yard and help them out with that and that’s another way. Getting good grades in school is also another easy way to get money but the easiest way to get it is to do something that you love because no matter how hard it may be or how long it may take if you love to do it then you’ll never feel like your working and it’s like your getting paid for doing nothing in a way. And there are some how too’s on getting money well until next time be easy seeee yaaaaa !

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Newsworthy !!!!!!!!!

Well money is now being printed in sheets of 50 and every so often they change the money and add new water marks or was to determine if the money is real or not and did you know that the more money that is printed the less money is worth so the more money you spend the and it goes out the united states the less a dollar is worth also they change the way the money looks they add different colors for example like on the new fifty dollar bill there are small pink fiftys on the right siade and small yellow fifty's on the left side another thing that their changing in the world of money is the numbers the new money has hollograpic looking numbers on it but only the bills from twenty and up the dollar bill hasn't changed at all but the five dollar bill has changed alittle they just changed the five on the right side of the back it's big and pink now. well that's whats going on in the world of money these days.