Tuesday, February 1, 2011

MoneyOvaEverything -[ M.0.E)*

As you may know my blog is about MONEY and not just any money but Y0UNG M0NEY - 0LD M0NEY & REAL G00D M0NEY and in this blog you will learn not just about M0NEY but also how to spend and also how to get it some good way and some bad but when it all come down to it it’s about money and if you’re not gettin it then that means your in BIG trouble & if your not getting your money the right way then all that means is you need to tighten up on ya grind and leave whatever you doin alone and get it the right way and I know your probably saying to yourself who are you to tell me how to get money well the reason why I chose this topic is because not only am I a expert in spending money but I also have my P.H.D in HUSTLiN and if that ain’t enough then nothin will be and not only am I CERTiFiED but I’m also a good teacher so you take a few tips from this blog and you could be a MILLIONARE over night but anyway I’m really doin this to help the poe broke and flossin behind wanna be ballas get caught up to speed so if that’s you class is in session  so get a pad and pen and take notes !


  1. Money is a very important factor !; Alot of people hustle to get money and get what they need so we dont need to critize.

  2. this blog is good and about one of the things i love the most money. haa what'd you think i was talking about you ? very good very good indeed keep up the good work. love ya:)
