Thursday, February 17, 2011

How too.?

This blog is to teach you how to get MONEY there's many ways to get MONEY not just any money but the good money because “all money ain’t good money” if you know what I mean. There’s a million ways to get like getting a lineament job and getting up every day and going to work. Or if you’re not old enough to do that you can do chores around the house and or just ask your parents for a weekly allowance. Some other ways to get money is go do things for other people around you or in your neighborhood things like mowing lawns, babysitting, washing cars or even house sitting you can also call family and ask if they need anything done around their house or their yard and help them out with that and that’s another way. Getting good grades in school is also another easy way to get money but the easiest way to get it is to do something that you love because no matter how hard it may be or how long it may take if you love to do it then you’ll never feel like your working and it’s like your getting paid for doing nothing in a way. And there are some how too’s on getting money well until next time be easy seeee yaaaaa !

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Newsworthy !!!!!!!!!

Well money is now being printed in sheets of 50 and every so often they change the money and add new water marks or was to determine if the money is real or not and did you know that the more money that is printed the less money is worth so the more money you spend the and it goes out the united states the less a dollar is worth also they change the way the money looks they add different colors for example like on the new fifty dollar bill there are small pink fiftys on the right siade and small yellow fifty's on the left side another thing that their changing in the world of money is the numbers the new money has hollograpic looking numbers on it but only the bills from twenty and up the dollar bill hasn't changed at all but the five dollar bill has changed alittle they just changed the five on the right side of the back it's big and pink now. well that's whats going on in the world of money these days.

Did you knoww.?

Did you know that money is worth more or less around the world depending on where you go. Not only is it worth more but depending on where you are in the world you can get better things somewhere else then you would be able to get here. But it's a up and down side to everything you could go somewhere around the world and your dollar could only be worth 25 cent it's called currecy and that means money is not always worth the samething everywhere you go and if you didn't aleady know i juss informed you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

MoneyOvaEverything -[ M.0.E)*

As you may know my blog is about MONEY and not just any money but Y0UNG M0NEY - 0LD M0NEY & REAL G00D M0NEY and in this blog you will learn not just about M0NEY but also how to spend and also how to get it some good way and some bad but when it all come down to it it’s about money and if you’re not gettin it then that means your in BIG trouble & if your not getting your money the right way then all that means is you need to tighten up on ya grind and leave whatever you doin alone and get it the right way and I know your probably saying to yourself who are you to tell me how to get money well the reason why I chose this topic is because not only am I a expert in spending money but I also have my P.H.D in HUSTLiN and if that ain’t enough then nothin will be and not only am I CERTiFiED but I’m also a good teacher so you take a few tips from this blog and you could be a MILLIONARE over night but anyway I’m really doin this to help the poe broke and flossin behind wanna be ballas get caught up to speed so if that’s you class is in session  so get a pad and pen and take notes !